

Gaming is not just about playing video games; it's about being part of a vibrant and passionate community. Gaming communities bring together individuals from different backgrounds who share a mutual love for the gaming world. These communities provide a sense of belonging, support, and numerous opportunities for gamers to connect, grow, and thrive.

Gaming is constantly growing as a competitive industry and the importance of communication in competitive gaming cannot be exaggerated. In order to succeed well as a team, players must be able to communicate effectively with each other.  First and foremost, communication is essential for establishing a clear game/tactics plan. Without this part players may

LNO’s combination of a community side and an esport side bring several benefits to our members. For those interested in esports and the competitive side of gaming, LNO offers a platform for players and teams in various games to showcase their skills and improve together. We try to provide support as well as exposure

At LNO, we are passionate about creating a community that is inclusive, supportive, and fun no matter who you are. So we are excited to announce that we will be shifting our focus on World of Warcraft (WoW), and we will now focus more on events for in-game and Discord going forward. We

As we are progressing rapidly into 2023, our CS-teams are playing all sorts of leagues and tournaments. Most of the fall has consisted in practicing for this spring that’s full of these matches. We have Pyrite, Zeolite, Sodalite, Titanium and Onyx, all teams of LNO competing on different levels and in different competitions.

A lot of time and energy goes to managing everything we do in LNO. Our managers work both together and individually to make it work for every aspect of LNO’s community. From streams to economy and events. Even though it does take time and often some energy every manager is willing to put

Now it’s been a few weeks since we attended NPF. A lot of preparation went down to make it a great experience for everyone that joined. Those who made it the best experience were our lovely members though, so cheers! Ever since the doors closed at NPF the planning for Dreamhack Winter in

This weekend it is time for the yearly Lan NPF in Denmark. We have a lot of members from LNO going this time. A whole weekend dedicated to gaming in this cold weather we are starting to get, sounds like a dream. Some will join LNO in real life for the first time