Behind the scenes at LNO
A lot of time and energy goes to managing everything we do in LNO. Our managers work both together and individually to make it work for every aspect of LNO’s community. From streams to economy and events. Even though it does take time and often some energy every manager is willing to put it in because of the amazing outcome, like the community and there is also some great experience coming from it. As we work in a team very often, we take it a priority to keep a good atmosphere in our manager team. Most of us have not been working with these kinds of things before, so therefore there has been both a pretty big learning curve and great experience for everyone involved. For our members and teams in LNO they make a lot of things work too, even though they are not working behind the scenes they are working as our face outside. It’s teamwork there too. So thanks to our community for making all the hard work count!